Welcome to the NEW TGR YouTube Channel & Website!

An integrated, multi-media view into my continuing guitar journey, created for YOU!

I have to say - I’m beyond excited to finally be writing this article. This marks the start of the next chapter, a next evolution of ‘The Guitar Rack’ - something I’ve been thinking about for a long time, and am finally bringing to life for YOU!

I started TGR back in 2017 (helped at that time by my friend Aaron Lochert - more on him on the Partners page if you’re interested) as an outlet to document and share all of the fantastic guitars we had the pleasure of owning (‘Gear Acquisition Syndrome’, GAS, at its finest, right?). With Aaron’s skills for photography, the page focused on photo content. Even amongst the craze of life (finding extra time in the day for a passion project isn’t always easy…), I feel we generated and shared some stunning ‘guitar porn’ for the community, and I’m proud of everything we put together.

Now, while the physical form of a guitar is a work of art in itself, the photography angle for TGR was missing a key component - the beautiful sounds and tones guitars produce as music instruments. Today kicks off two new aspects of TGR to close that gap - the YouTube Channel, and the standalone Website.

So, let’s talk about the YouTube channel first. This will be the platform for me to generate audio/visual content around these gorgeous instruments. I have a few ‘series’ in the works that I hope you’ll enjoy, and ultimately, hope this will be a place to be more interactive with you on the awesome tones and sounds that we all love! The link below will take you directly to the channel - I’d love to have you subscribe, follow the content, and provide feedback so we can continue to build it together:

TGR YouTube Channel

The Website (you’re obviously already found it) is intended to be simple. The ABOUT section carries the story of me, and why I’m here. Sections like the BLOG and THE ARCHIVE will provide supplementary content to the audio, slowly creating a cross-linked, multi-media experience to your preferences. When gear moves (it has to - I’m not a dealer, and while I’m very lucky to have found a small dedicated space for this passion, it can only fit so much), it is available through the BUY/SELL/TRADE page.

Thanks for being here - I’m very happy to have you, and look forward to interacting as this grows! Maybe most importantly - I’d love to get your honest feedback on the content and platform, so with some time, we can make this an exciting and valuable guitar/gear platform for YOU! All social media platforms obviously have methods of contact, but you can also reach me through this site’s CONTACT page.

— Eric, The Guitar Rack


First Video Series - ‘TONES @ The Guitar Rack!'