People make a difference!

There is a small group of individuals I’d like to directly acknowledge in their support of my guitar journey.

Their contributions are a big part of me getting ‘The Guitar Rack’ to this exciting next chapter!


Aaron Lochert

Aaron and I met, funny enough, through a craigslist gear transaction a LONG time ago. We’ve been friends ever since, spending MANY hours over guitars, gear, etc. Aaron is a brilliant videographer / photographer, and has been the source of many of the photos to date (credited throughout the gallery). He was also the go-guitarist in tracking the short clip you currently hear in video outros.

While Aaron’s sights are currently turned from guitar toward his primary passion in video / cinema, his contributions here still live strong. I am beyond thankful for him sharing his skills in helping get this project off the ground.

Please see Aaron’s work at his Instagram page linked below.


Mike Cutler - The Luthier’s Bench

Mike is a long time Tucson luthier / guitar tech that I am happy to call a friend.

While I do the vast majority of my own work (it’s a huge part of the passion/enjoyment of my TGR process), there are certain items that are really best left to the experience, tooling, and time of a trainer luthier. Doesn't hurt that I whole heartedly believe that Mike is one of the VERY BEST when it comes to guitar maintenance, repair, etc.

If you happen to be local, or have something so important it’s worth shipping, give Mike a shout. His Facebook page is linked below.


Anthony Best - ‘More Gear Than Talent’

Anthony and I met through an online gear transaction (seeing a theme here?). While we haven’t met in person, we’ve kept in touch through social media VERY regularly since, and I’m very happy to call him a friend. Fortunately (or unfortunately), we seem to suffer a similar fate around ‘Gear Acquisition Syndrome’.

Anthony is a regular sounding board for various thoughts, ideas, or the latest obsession in all things guitar and gear. He has also been gracious in sharing his learnings/experience with the digital video, recording, and streaming aspect of things.

Please visit Anthony’s website for his guitar / gear content.